Ellie Windham

Iā€™m Ellie Windham, a passionate community builder, storyteller, ultramarathon runner and run coach. My journey is about fostering connections, weaving narratives, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential, both on the road and in life.

With a background in events and program management, I specialize in crafting impactful experiences in tech, corporate, and higher education settings. Currently, I coordinate holistic health initiatives at a local university.

I'm the founder of Walking In Other People's Shoes, an organization amplifying the voices of Women of Color through transformative storytelling and community-building. As a mental health advocate, I empower women and inspire others through personal growth journeys.

My creative pursuits include directing and producing the mini-documentary "Girls Run Ultras," honored as the featured film at the 2024 Trail Running Film Festival and a semifinalist at the No Man's Land Film Festival. Additionally, I'm a certified RRCA running coach, co-founder of Asian Women Stay Running, an ultramarathoner with Girls Run NYC, and a member of Asian Trail Mix.

Beyond my professional ventures, I hold an M.A. in International Education from NYU and a B.A. in International Studies from West Virginia Wesleyan. Join me in exploring wellness, storytelling, and community building.

Get in touch, and let's start building something amazing!

I'm excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you, whether it's through

  • 1 on 1 or group run coaching sessions

  • community events

  • storytelling projects

Together, we can make a positive impact and create something truly special. Let's lace up our shoes, embark on this journey together, and see where the road takes us.
